December 17, 2017

From our Chair, Tung Nguyen, on words the Trump administration banned the CDC from using:

I am proud to be part of America's #diversity#Transgender people should have more rights than #fetus. I believe #evidencebased decision-making and #sciencebased policies are signs of sanity. A great country has #entitlementprograms for the #vulnerable, not the rich. 


December 15, 2017

From Phi Nguyen:

My dear pal Dax Lopez, the second ever Latinx judge in Georgia, one of only two current Latinx judges in Georgia, and my gateway drug to local politics, swearing in my dear sister Bee  to become the first progressive Asian-American woman to serve in the Georgia General Assembly. This moment was captured by my former boss Tim since my new boss Stephanie Cho and I walked into the ceremony one minute late together because did everyone forget about Asian standard time? 

All of this to say: Today feels pretty special. 

#AllMyFamilies #YesBeeDid #YesWeDid#TimesTheyAreAChangin


December 14, 2017

From Suzanne Jeakle:

Here's my daughter (who attends George Washington University in DC), Eleanor Frances Nguyen Paul, being arrested and taken out of SenatorDean Heller's DC office this morning. She was demanding a Clean Dream Act with United We Dream. Thought you'd enjoy seeing what the grandchildren of Vietnamese immigrants and refugees are up to today!

Click here to read the story from The GW Hatchet.

December 12, 2017

From our president, Tung Nguyen:

A sad day for San Francisco and Asian American politics. Ed rose from being an Asian American civil rights advocate into a highly respected city manager---he was the unanimous choice to take over for Gavin Newsom. As a mayor, he did a lot of great things, including a strong emphasis on human and immigrant rights, and a willingness to try new ways of addressing health and homelessness.

Progressives in the city had some reservations about him, mostly around housing and development. But he was a man who tried hard in whatever way he could to help in whatever role he was in.

“Decades ago, I was about as anti-establishment as one could be,” he said. “But today, like you, I’m trying to make the establishment work for all San Franciscans.”

Ed Lee, San Francisco Mayor, Dies at 65