PIVOT Press Release: One-Year Anniversary of President Biden’s Climate-Related Executive Actions

January 27, 2022

PIVOT Celebrates One-Year Anniversary of President Biden’s Climate-Related Executive Actions, Urges Congress to Deliver on Climate Action

(Washington, DC)Today is the one-year anniversary of President Joe Biden issuing a series of signed a number of climate- and environmental justice-focused executive orders and presidential memorandums, putting the U.S. back on track to address the climate crisis and protecting our health and environment from the catastrophic impacts of climate change. These actions included rejoining the Paris climate agreement and establishing an administration-wide initiative on racial and environmental justice. 

To mark the anniversary, Dr. Tung Nguyen, President of the Progressive Vietnamese American Organization-PIVOT, released the following statement:

“In one of his first acts as president, Joe Biden one year ago today showed he was deeply committed to climate action with a series of ambitious executive actions to tackle this crisis. While PIVOT is grateful for all the progress made by the Biden administration over the past year to act on climate, more work needs to be done to address the climate crisis. Climate can’t wait, and the Biden administration and Congress must take bold climate action, starting with passing the historic Build Back Better Act before Congress right now and its $550 billion in investments that will deliver on climate, justice and jobs.”