PIVOT Applauds the Third and Latest Supreme Court Decision to Uphold the Affordable Care Act

June 18, 2021

PIVOT applauds the third and latest Supreme Court decision to uphold the Affordable Care Act (ACA), protecting all Americans' access to health care. Before the ACA, over a quarter of Vietnamese community members did not have health insurance—that dropped 63% so that nine in ten Vietnamese Americans from all class backgrounds now have health care access. This is a win for mothers like Linh’s who worked her whole life but was left without health care after her daughter aged out of Medicaid. This is a win for young college students like Long who has one less expense to worry about. This is a win for everyday Vietnamese Americans trying to make ends meet. While the health and vibrancy of our communities requires further investments in language access and cultural competency, the ACA plays a critical role in closing the health care access gaps our communities face.