PIVOT Endorsement of Chrysta Castañeda for Texas Railroad Commission

October 1, 2020

PIVOT is honored to endorse Chrysta Castañeda, who is running for the Texas Railroad Commission. This is the agency that regulates the expansive oil and gas industry in Texas, making this the most important environmental race in the country. With over 30 years of experience working in and around the oil and gas industry as an engineer and attorney, Chrysta knows the complex technical and legal issues that face the industry, and can effectively enforce laws and policies. 

Chrysta is running because she saw how much flaring was occurring and how wasteful it is. Flaring is the intentional combustion of produced natural gas, and has been illegal for over 100 years with limited exceptions.  When the current Commission failed to enforce the laws, and instead granted 7,000 exception permits last year, it came with significant environmental, health and economic consequences.  As Commissioner Chrysta will reign in emissions by enforcing 100-year old laws and using the tools available for detection, prevention, and enforcement.  

Oil and gas play a key role in the economic well-being of literally every corner of Texas, and the United States.  Her Republican opponent has been cited repeatedly and fined by the Commission he wants to lead.  Texans deserve a Railroad Commissioner who will protect its precious natural resources and environment and keep this key part of the economy functioning. Please consider donating here to get your donation matched and also spread the word about her campaign.