October 25, 2017

From one of our Bay Area members, Anh Thu Bui:

Quick ask and ACTION item for today:

The Senate passed a budget resolution last week and the House is voting on it this Thursday, October 25th. Two cuts to the budget standout: 1) a $1 trillion cut to Medicaid and 2) a $500 billion cut to Medicare. These cuts will affect our most vulnerable citizens - children, seniors and people with disabilities.

1. Call your member of Congress at 202-224-3121. Tell them to vote NO on a budget that makes cuts to Medicare and Medicaid and hurts children, seniors and people with disabilities.

2. Forward this message to family and friends across the U.S. and ask them to make calls.

3. Place this message on your Facebook page and ask people to take action.

4. By texting the number 504-09 and typing in the word RESIST, you can type a message to any of your elected officials and it will be sent. Just follow the directions. You can write whatever you want to say and choose who receives it.

October 24, 2017

From the Chair of our Candidate Support Committee, Uyen Nguyen:

I'll be speaking, as a refugee and a Sister on the Planet Ambassador for Oxfam at the Women's March convention in Detroit this weekend to bring awareness to refugee crisis. Currently, more than 65 million people around the world have been forced to leave their homes because of violence, persecution and war. This represents 1 in every 113 people on the planet, a number unprecedented in recorded human history.

Want to help our cause but only have 10 seconds? Text to 97779 and write "refugee" in the message, and you'll get a petition we hope that you'll sign. The purpose of the petition is to urge president Trump and Congress to not slam the door on refugees and to admit, at the very least, 75,000 of the world’s most vulnerable refugees. The US has the resources to help. Please add your kindness and voice to this ongoing crisis by signing the petition.

And do let me know if you'll be at the Convention so we can meet up!

October 23, 2017

Why Join PIVOT

Vietnamese Americans are actively changing the political landscape. With over 1.6 million Vietnamese Americans in the U.S., we stand to influence all levels of government through the promotion of leaders and policies that protect and advance the community. PIVOT members are engaged across the US, play a critical role in leading their local communities, and impact the wider political conversation.

October 22, 2017

From Kavi VuPhi Nguyen, and Wake Up Atlanta:

Join us and Atlanta City Councilman Alex Wan as we hit the streets of Atlanta to test just how sleepy our fellow Asian Americans are! In addition to making you laugh, we hope our conversations with real Atlanta residents inspire you to do your research and then go vote for your next mayor and other local and state leaders on November 7! Also, if you want to make us feel better, we would love for you to name an influential Asian American in the comments. Special thanks to all the folks who were kind enough to talk to us; this episode would not be possible without you!

October 21, 2017

From our president, Tung Nguyen:

Anger, awareness, and amplification are necessary but insufficient for change. We need action plans, allies, and organized advocacy. Most of the resistance efforts will likely fade away without this. This does not mean they are not valuable now, but while we are speaking out, we should be planning too. 

Shaun King's piece is everything I believe about organizing the resistance. Please read, and please make a decision about where you want to contribute.