Betty Duong, Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 2

Betty Duong, Santa Clara County Supervisor, District 2

Betty has a strong track record as an advocate and a public servant. From her early life experiences helping her family and neighbors navigate social safety net services to her professional experiences organizing union workers and fighting for underserved communities within the justice system, Betty has a unique, justice and equity-focused perspective on service that informs her work for the community. Alongside her robust service portfolio, Betty’s 11 years of experience at the county makes her uniquely positioned to take on this role. With her extensive policy knowledge, existing professional connections with her future Board of Supervisors colleagues, and a strong portfolio of project management, she is ready to hit the ground running on day one to make county government work for everyone. She has a clear vision for a good, efficient government that creates space at the table for all communities, and we are confident that she is the best person to serve the constituents of Santa Clara County District 2.

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Derek Tran, U.S. Congress, California's 45th Congressional District

Derek Tran, U.S. Congress, California's 45th Congressional District

Derek has a humble upbringing, which inspired him to serve his community in the halls of Congress. From serving in the military to getting involved in community projects, Derek is committed to public service. He is building a robust movement with a diverse coalition of constituencies across his entire district to ensure that everyone has a seat at the table. With his experience as a lawyer and long history of service to his country and his local community, there is no better person equipped to fight and advocate for the 45th Congressional District than Derek in Congress.

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Christy Lam-Julian, Pinole City Council, Pinole, CA

Christy Lam-Julian, Pinole City Council, Pinole, CA

Christy is ready to be an advocate at City Hall. From her rich experience with the labor movement in Northern California to organizing her community to promote diversity and inclusion, Christy has dedicated her energy to serving the community and fighting for marginalized populations. She has demonstrated that she is in touch with the needs of the working-class community within Pinole, and she understands the urgency of meeting the moment to ensure that Pinole is livable in the future. With her experience in community advocacy and her experience serving on city and county commissions, Christy brings the knowledge and skills to steer Pinole to a brighter future.

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Francine Ly, Texas Congressional District 24, Dallas, Texas

Francine Ly, Texas Congressional District 24, Dallas, Texas

Francine brings with her a wealth of life and legislative experience. As a refugee, she persevered through hardship with the support of her community to gain the experience to serve as an advocate for her community. She also has extensive experience as a Legislative Director, providing her with the know-how to navigate the legislative branch. In Congress, she will continue to be a fighter for her community to ensure that the next generation has the support they need to succeed.

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