February 10, 2021
A Brand New Year: Time to Plan, Build, and Act
It is a brand new year, whether you start counting on January 20, 2021, when Joe Biden became the President of the United States or on February 12, 2021 with Tết. The pandemic’s latest peak has slowed down, and more and more people are getting vaccinated. This is a time for hope. But as progressives, hope is only the beginning. It is the time to plan, to build, and to act.
The PIVOT Board met for its virtual retreat on January 30 and 31. We reviewed our accomplishments over the last 4 years. We went over the lessons learned based on your feedback from the Election Team survey and the PIVOT culture and climate survey. We saw where we still need to continue to build, from better member engagement to augmenting our leadership development to advocating for policy priorities. We will be rolling out our plans for your feedback and we will need your help.
The PIVOT leadership wish all PIVOTers and your loved ones a brand new year full of good health, success, and love. We look forward to working with and learning from all of you as we continue to build a better PIVOT and a better country.
Chúc Mừng Năm Mới
Chúng Ta Khắp Nơi
Xây Dựng Đang Thời
Tương Lai Sắp Tới
– Tung Nguyen, PIVOT President