PIVOT Tâm Sự Recap: What's at stake in the 2022 Midterm Elections?

August 2nd– PIVOT Young Vietnamese Americans (YVA) kicked off the Month of August with an engaging evening of connecting, reporting, sharing during 8/2 Tam Su! This Tâm Sự panel featured 2020 fellows, YVA Co-Chairs Hieu Le and Philip Nguyen, Elections Manager Victoria Nguyen, and PIVOT’s inaugural Executive Director Dr.Jennifer Kim-Anh Tran.The event was streamed live on both Facebook and Zoom. Participants signed in from across the country (one person came from as far as Australia!), eager to (re)connect after a long hiatus. Four 2020 PIVOT fellows– Vinh Dang (PA), Vu-Anh Nguyen (GA), Angie Tran- Uddullah (GA), and Lillian Trinh (TX) led the conversation on the current political landscape in their respective states. Additionally, they offered insight into contentious state races as well as key issues such as gun control, voter suppression, and healthcare. The remaining part of the program was reserved for state-specific breakout sessions for a deeper dive into the issues and local Vietnamese American community terrain. PIVOT Elections manager Victoria Nguyen built upon the inspiring work by offering concrete ways for individuals to save democracy and support this year’s elections. For more information on how to get involved, please check out PIVOT at www.pivotnetwork.org/elections.