October 30, 2017

From the Chair of our Candidate Support Committee, Uyen Nguyen:

Kathy Tran for Delegate is one of the many Emerge alums running for public office this year. It's people like Kathy that makes me want to ensure Emerge's training, tools, and resources are available to women across 50 states. We can't just tell women like her to run for public office; we need to provide her tools and support to also help her win. And look at what an AWESOME candidate Kathy is! Currently, 39% of Emerge alums are women of color so it's also an amazing platform to help WOC to rise up and become elected officials.

Here in WA, we are actively recruiting women to be candidates for our 2018 Patty Murray Emerge WA class. Please help me spread the word, and point any women interested in running for public towards my way or to our ED, Karen Besserman.  More info about the class here

We need to work much harder to ensure women are equally represented in public office, whether at local, state, or federal level. Let's get trucking!

October 29, 2017

From one of our members, Khanh B. Nguyen:

Small rant for an early Sunday morning: I rarely read the Wall Street Journal editorials because it is infuriating seeing smart, privileged people make transparently bad excuses for their basest instincts that include greed and prejudice.

But couldn't resist reading this stirring defense for not raising the TOP tax rate, with the bill in Congress. Some quotes: 
"Raising the top marginal tax rate harms the incentive to work and invest. People don’t work to pay taxes. They work to contribute to society ... but also to make money to spend, ... or pass on to heirs." Yes, pass on to heirs.

"The current top marginal rate of as high as 44% already means that Uncle Sam takes nearly half of what a millionaire earns. Add the state tax rate of 13.3% in California and it’s approaching 60 cents on the marginal dollar. The incentive to work those extra hours, write the next book or postpone retirement is substantially reduced." Write the next book 🙂.

I would like to meet that millionaire who has to postpone retirement to pass on an extra $10 million to heirs.

If someone can no longer find the will to work because the next million will be taxed at a higher rate, it is ok, a few millions is probably enough.

If others continue to work to make even more money, but just really annoyed about losing some cash, my sympathy goes out to those closest to them.

October 26, 2017

From one of our Bay Area members, Dieu Hoc Huynh:

News flash: Donald Trump is no friend of the Vietnamese community. The administration has been pressuring Vietnam to accept more deportees. Trump has sanctioned Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea and Sierra Leone making their business leaders, diplomats unable to travel to the U.S.

This administration will go through hoops to separate our families and deport immigrants.

If you live in the Bay Area, please join me and VietUnity if you'd like to act.

Props to VietLeadAsians & Pacific Islanders Re Entry of Orange County, and numerous folks for leading the way!

PIVOT thanks Tung Nguyen for also sharing this video with us.

October 26, 2017

From our president, Tung Nguyen:

Do I have to engage Trump supporters in a conversation? I will if we agree on the ground rules. Here are mine:
1) Country before party
2) People before politics
3) Everyone's sufferings matter--that is, if we are going to talk about how hard it is to be white and poor or middle class in this country, we also must talk about how hard it is to be a woman or a minority from any class, and particularly those living in poverty.
4) Facts matter at least as much as opinions.
I'm willing to believe that there are people who support Trump who are genuinely good at heart. Let's talk.